

感谢你对买竞彩篮球彩票app的专业职位感兴趣. Our website allows you to acquire general information about our school 和 its mission 和 learn what we are looking for in a prospective employee. 下面你会找到当前职位空缺和职位描述的链接.

Once you familiarize yourself with our school 和 mission 和 determine that you are interested in a...教学/行政, 替代(短期或长期), 或者主教凯利的教练职位, 第一步是发邮件给a 求职信 和 简历(见下文).

一旦对收到的求职信和简历进行了审查, 一批候选人将被要求正式申请. 我们将在网站上与您联系,并为您提供申请材料. 一旦你拿到了材料, carefully follow the instructions for the application process 和 any position-specific information requested.

作为一所天主教和喇沙修士高中,我们首先是为了传教而招聘. We expect that professionals who submit a cover letter 和 resume are appropriately qualified for a position with the necessary degree, 认证(如有必要)和相应的经验. 有关职位的细节将包括在职位描述中. 如果你对我们的教育部不适应,不舒服, 那么请不要提交你的求职信和简历. 买竞彩篮球彩票app is an outst和ing educational environment in which to work 和 minister to the youth of the Diocese of Tulsa. Thank you again for your interest in 主教凯利, 和 I wish you the best in your career pursuits.


玛丽·哈娜·多克修女,RSM |会长




  • 喇沙修士学校的教师

    喇沙修士学校是天主教学校. 它们对所有人开放, 但要特别努力满足穷人的需求, 无论贫困以何种形式出现(经济上的), 社会, 学术, 或情感.). 在经济贫困不普遍的学校, the mission of the Lasallian school is to educate more affluent students regarding their baptismal responsibility to work for justice 和 to advocate for the needs of the poor. The Lasallian philosophy of education is centered on the student 和 identifies teachers as ministers of God to the youth entrusted to their care. 结果是, the teacher is expected to see each student with the eyes of God 和 to treat him or her with the same love 和 respect as Christ would. 进一步, 喇沙修士学校的教师承认他们的工作是一种职业, 来自上帝的召唤, 并被鼓励将自己视为学生的姐姐和哥哥.

    成为一名喇沙修士教育者是一个过程. 实际, there are varying degrees of commitment to Lasallian principles 和 spirituality within a given school community. 然而, all teachers are expected to participate in 和 be open to formation programs designed to assist in integrating the Lasallian charism into their lives 和 their work with students. All teachers are expected to be supportive of these principles 和 to continue to grow personally, 专业, 和精神上.

    喇沙修士学校是建立在圣. 施洗约翰·德·拉萨尔,1659-1719年的法国牧师. He founded the Brothers of the Christian Schools 和 established what we refer to today as the Lasallian educational mission. 他的目标是拯救儿童, 都是通过把他们从无知和贫穷中拯救出来, 和 spiritual salvation by teaching them the importance of having God as the center of their lives. 基督教兄弟会, 在世界其他地方也被称为德拉萨兄弟, 为这个使命奋斗了300多年. 在过去的50年里, 因为天主教会发生了变化,兄弟会的人数减少了, the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools has begun to share the Lasallian Mission with the “lay teachers” in Lasallian schools. 这种分担任务的做法是出于维持学校运转的需要, but has evolved into an underst和ing that God is calling all of us to pursue this mission together. 今天,在84个国家,有77,000名信徒和8,000名弟兄为超过900,000名学生提供服务.

    Teachers in Lasallian schools gradually begin to underst和 that the mission they are part of each day is much larger than the individual classroom they occupy. 因为喇沙修士学校是教会传福音工作的重要组成部分, 教师的工作发生在更大的背景下. 喇沙修士的教育带来了人性和基督教教育的年轻人, 尤其是穷人, 这样做的时候, joins with other Lasallians throughout the world to touch the hearts of students entrusted to their care.

  • 天主教身份与法律视角

    Catholic identity is a prominent issue among Catholic educators 和 the communities they serve. 是什么使一所学校成为天主教学校? 什么是天主教传统?它是如何在我们的学校中表现出来的? 我们必须做些什么才能真正成为一所天主教学校? What should I say if a student asks what I think about a certain issue 和 I don’t agree with what the Catholic Church teaches about it? 支持一个你认为是错误的问题是不诚实的吗? 这些问题对于天主教学校的老师来说无疑是很熟悉的. 让我们从法律的角度来看看天主教学校的教育工作者需要什么.


    称一个机构为天主教本身并不能使它成为天主教. 成为天主教徒, 一个机构必须致力于(a)福音, (b)遵守耶稣基督的教导, (c)罗马天主教会的教义. This three-fold commitment is required both when it is convenient to be committed 和 when it is not. 如果这三者中的任何一个受到损害,学校正在侵蚀其天主教身份. To be an educator in a Catholic school is to support the school’s commitment to its Catholicity.



    An educator in a Catholic school—whether Catholic or not--has a primary contractual duty to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church 和 the mission of the school. 这是教育者与家长之间庄严而神圣的委托, 政府, 学生和罗马天主教塔尔萨教区. 作为一个教区的教育者, 天主教机构, teachers employed by 买竞彩篮球彩票app are considered agents of the Church 和 as such must not teach or behave in a manner inconsistent with the Gospel message of the Church or its teachings.

    Parents who send their children to 主教凯利 have a right to expect that their children will be taught in fidelity with Church teaching. Educators in Catholic schools must have a clear underst和ing about the Church’s position 和 be able to articulate it without the interference of personal viewpoints. 这意味着, 例如, 如果我对一件事的看法与天主教会的教导不同, 我无权与班上的学生分享我的观点, 因为我是教会的特工. To speak or teach an opinion counter to the teachings of the Church is to fail in one’s primary legal obligation. 主教凯利 provides new teacher formation programs to assist educators in clarifying issues related to Church teachings 和 the school’s mission.


    教育工作者是年轻人的榜样. 天主教学校的教育工作者尤其如此. 一个人在课堂内外的所作所为都很重要, 为例, 老师比语言更有力量吗. Educators employed by 买竞彩篮球彩票app are required to become familiar with the specifications of their contract 和 to live lives 和 speak words consistent with church teachings. If a teacher’s behavior becomes a matter of sc和al to the school or to the community it serves, 政府在法律和道德上都有义务解决这个问题. 作为圣. 亚西西的方济各说:“向全世界宣讲福音,如果必要的话,使用语言.” Not every educator employed by 买竞彩篮球彩票app is required to teach the content of the Catholic faith; as educators in a Catholic school, 然而, 我们可能不会公开反对.



  • 代课老师:进入教室,执行短期教案
  • 要求:本科学历 
  • 收费:每节课25美元/天(可上三节课)
  • 长期替代(10天或以上)作出较长的承诺,通常包括指示, 指导和分级, 遵循老师的愿景和指导. 老师仍然主导着计划和评估.
  • 要求:本科学历
  • 收费:每节课每天$33(可上三节课)
  • 记名教师: A teacher who comes in 和 carries out all aspects of a class from grading to planning to assessment 和 instruction.
  • 要求:本科学历
  • 收费:每节课45美元/天(可上三节课)


如果你想申请的话, 请给玛丽·丹兹发邮件, 校长及副校长行政助理 mdanz@photoinvest.net 需要申请的表格会寄给你的. 
